Employees receive 50 cents per hour
The Escambia County (Ala.) Commission passed its fiscal year 2024-25 budget Monday that shows $39.3 million in revenue and $38.6 million in expenses which included an across-the-board 50 cents per hour raise for all employees.
The largest part of the budget was the General Fund which shows revenues and expenses of $16 million.
Commission chairman Raymond Wiggins said the employee pay raise averages out to about 2.5 percent with some employees on the lower end of the pay scale receiving a larger percent. But he noted everyone pays the same for a loaf of bread.
In addition to the pay raise, Wiggins also noted that the county saw an increase of $75,000 in employee health insurance and the commission decided to pay the entire amount and not pass any of the increase on to employees.
He also noted that the county added Good Friday to the employee holiday schedule.
In other business Monday, the commission:
- Awarded the annual asphalt bid to Mobile Asphalt for in-place, striping and shoulder work and accepted the bid from HO Weaver & Sons for plant mix picked up at the Atmore plant.
- Awarded the annual crushed aggregate bid to Brooklyn Limestone for lime rock; Dunn Construction and Vulcan Materials for limestone; and North Montgomery Materials for granite.
- Awarded the annual signs and post bid to Vulcan Signs
- Renewed the County Information Management System license agreement for three years which is used by the road department as a tracking mechanism on repairs and needed repairs on county roads.
- Issued a letter of support for the University of Alabama’s proposal for the Gulf Features Challenge designed to aid areas in mitigating storm damage.
- Approved the Baron Weather Threat Net agreement which provides up-to-date and accurate weather information.
- Renewed its contract with the Alabama Department of Youth Services for long-term detention subsidy.