Brewton PD arrest man for child porn

Phone video of juveniles having sex found

Brewton police approached a suspicious vehicle early last Thursday at Sportsman Park that led to the arrest of a Spanish Fort man after officers discovered images on his cellphone of underage girls performing sex acts.

According to court records Brandon LaDarius Morrissette, 22, 3041 Wayside Drive, was arrested and charged with possessing child pornography and causing the delinquency of minors.

According to court records a Brewton police officer approached Morrissette's vehicle about 12:50 a.m. on Oct. 10 and discovered Morrissette and two females, ages 15 and 16 inside the vehicle.

Brewton Police Chief Matt Jordan said the two females inside the vehicle with Morrissette were local girls and he credited good police work in making the arrest.

"The question was what was someone from Spanish Fort doing at the park in Brewton," Jordan said.

Chief Jordan said the stories didn't add up and the officer received permission to look at Morrissette's cell phone.

Police reported finding a video on Morrissette's phone of sex acts with minor females, which led to his arrest on the child pornography charge.

The causing delinquency of a minor charge resulted from Morrissette providing the two juvenile girls in his vehicle with vape pens and vape devices.

Morrissette was placed under arrest and transported to the Escambia County Detention Center and later issued a $50,000 bond.

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