Jay homecoming queen 2024 crowned

The Century Town Council Tuesday night unanimously approved a bid from Weston and Sampson to complete the tier 2 Environmental Assessment and public outreach for the gate station (where the gas comes into the town) and meter replacement project based on a recommendation from Florida Gas Utility (FGU).

The Town of Century has been awarded $793,011 through the U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization Grant. The grant funds are allocated for the Gate Station replacement and relocation as well as meter replacement within the town's natural gas distribution system.

As part of the project requirements, the completion of a Tier 2 environmental assessment is necessary under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). FGU, through the town's representative Taylor Nugent, is managing this effort in accordance with our agreement with FGU. Nugent has solicited estimates from two engineering companies specializing in NEPA Reviews to conduct the required environmental assessment. Both estimates cover the same scope of work.

Weston and Sampson's bid is $12,250 and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. submitted one for $42,000.

Councilwoman Alicia Johnson made a motion to award Weston and Sampson, which was seconded by Councilwoman Sandra McMurray Jackson. The motion carried.

Mayor Luis Gomez said the grant is being managed by FGU. According to Interim Town Manager Howard Brown, the balance of the grants will be used to enhance and repair the town's natural gas system.

In other business, the council:

-Heard an update and current status of several possible grants for the town from Lakeesha Morris-Moreau

- Approved a bid of $3,975 from Pensacola Backflow Services, Inc. to test 53 backflow devices to comply with local and state regulations.

-Approved an annually-reviewed interlocal agreement between the town of Century and the town of Jay to provide mutual assistance through the shared use of public works personnel and equipment with the aim of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of operations for both municipalities.

-Approved a bid for $63,500 from Talcon for a Highway 29 sewer repair project to maintain the town's sewer system and prevent further deterioration.

-Approved a one-time $500 stipend for 15 town employees who contributed to the Town's COVID-19 response efforts and were employed prior to May 11, 2023 totaling $7,500 in American Rescue Plan Act funds

-Approved cancelling the Nov. 4, 2024 regular town council meeting due to unavailability of the meeting room (it cannot be sealed prior to the Nov. 5 General Election as required by the town's charter).

The next meeting will be held at 7 p.m., Monday, Nov. 19, at town hall in Century. The public is invited.